We want everyone who visits Poland Local Schools website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.
What are we doing?
Poland Local Schools is committed to providing access to our electronic and information technology, including our web pages, for individuals with disabilities.
To help us make our website a positive place for everyone, we've been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities, and user friendly for everyone.
The guidelines have three levels of accessibility (A, AA and AAA). We’ve chosen Level AA as the target for our website.
How are we doing?
We've worked hard on our website and believe we've achieved our goal of Level AA accessibility. We monitor the website regularly to maintain this, but if you do find any problems, please get in touch.
Let us know!
Web Accessibility and Functionality: If a person with a disability experiences inaccessible online content related to a Poland Local Schools' program, benefit or service, the person should contact the District's Public Information Officer by using the ADA Report tool in order to obtain the content in an accessible format. The individual may also file a formal complaint utilizing the procedures set out in Board Policies 2260 and 2260.01 relating to Section 504 and Title II.
If you find a page where we missed the mark, please let us know using the form below:
ADA Issue Reporting