Facilities Master Plan
The Board of Education met in regular session on June 14, 2023 and approved a Resolution determining to proceed with submitting to the electors of the school district the single question of the issuance of school improvement bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $105,440,000 and the levy of an additional 0.50-mill to provide funds for the acquisition, construction, enlargement, renovation, and financing of general permanent improvements, pursuant to section 5705.218 of the revised code. (#2023-55)
The Board of Education met in regular session on May 17, 2023 and approved the School District Board Resolution Accepting the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission Establishment of the New Scope, Estimated Basic Project Cost and Local Share in the Classroom Facilities Assistance Program (LAPSED). (#2023-44)
The Board of Education met in regular session on May 17, 2023 and approved a Resolution Declaring the Necessity of Submitting the Single Question of the Issuance of School Improvement Bonds in the Aggregate principal amount of $105,440,000. for the purpose of constructing, adding to, renovating, remodeling, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving school district building and facilities. (#2023-45)
The Board of Education met in regular session on May 17, 2023 and approved a Resolution Determining that the School District is a Special Needs District and Authorizing the preparation and filing of materials in connection with applications for designation of the School District as a Special Needs District Pursuant to Section 133.06(E) of the Revised Code. (#2023-46)
The Poland Board of Education met on February 11, 2023 for its annual Board Retreat. The Facilities Master Plan was the focus of the meeting. Renderings of possible new facilities were presented to the Board at the retreat by consultants at GPD Group.
Click through the slideshow below to view the possible school facilities presented at the 2023 Winter Board Retreat.
At its meeting last week, the board seemed to favor a four-school, two-campus model using existing buildings. “We are not going after a new building,” Poland Superintendent Craig Hockenberry said.
Hockenberry says renovations and repairs already underway.
The Poland School Board met Wednesday night after the levy on Tuesday was defeated with 74% voting no.
"We're going to have to make some decisions whether to take a grade level out and moving them to one of our buildings such as Dobbins (Elementary), or reopening Union (Elementary) school and re-shifting some grade levels around," said superintendent Craig Hockenberry.
Voters in Poland voted on a 12.1-mill bond issue, which would generate $105 million for new schools, plus a 0.05-mill tax levy, which was also defeated Tuesday by a wide margin, 5,294 to 1,844.