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How to Pay/Reload Accounts

Food Service accounts can be paid or reloaded Online or via Cash/Check.

Follow the instructions below for assistance:

Pay Online

Payschools Central

Student Fees can be paid using Payschools.

If you have not created an account, please do so here.

To make a payment:

  1. Visit Payschools Central.
  2. Login or Register.
  3. Click Your Students in the menu and Add Student.
  4. Select Ohio, Poland Local Schools.
    You will need your STUDENT'S ID.
  5. Add a Payment Method if you haven't yet. You can use Credit Card or ACH/Check.
  6. Pay you student's account.

Pay via Cash/Check

Checks should be made payable to 
Poland Schools Food Service.

Student First and Last Name OR ID should be written on the MEMO line.

PSHS students can deliver their check/cash to the register during their lunch period.

Middle School/McKinley students can deliver their check/cash to their teacher or to the main office.

Questions regarding your student's food services account can be answered by our Food Services Department:

(330) 757-7000 or